World Top Leaders

I found this on the Time Magazine where it listed the 20 top Leaders and Revolutionaries. Check it out!! Did you know any of them??

David Bon- Gurion (Never heard of this one)

Ho Chi-Minh (i thought its a name of a place in Myanmar or something??)

Winston Churchill

Mohandas Gandhi (ya..kill yourself if u didn't know him..)

Mikhail Gorbachev

Adolf Hitler
(nazi-related or someting like dat rite??)

Martin Luther King

Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini

V.I Lenin

Nelson Mandela (cOme on..frEedom for the Blacks!!)

Pope John Paul II

Ronald Reagen (is dat the US president?)

Eleanor Rossevelt

Teddy Rossevelt

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Sanger

Lech Walesa

Mao Zedong
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