
dont you think blog is not really suitable for education? there are lots of archive every month. and once someone post a new topic, there is no follow up for previous one. then, when the new month come, previous month topic will be neglected. what happen if each of us post a new topic? there will be 30 topics or more per day if everyone seriously involves in this blog. arent they a bit messy? i think, blog is suitable for chronological activities or events. each blogger just follow up the topic chronologically. but for education purpose, each topic is assume important n has different objective n need different discussion. sorry for all these. i just write out my thought. thanx for reading....
7 Responses
  1. indrea berry Says:

    well nore, if u think blog is not a good idea,perhaps u may suggest one then.in my personal opinion dear, me n my fwen are trying to do as much we can,if lets say thr is any idea thn u may provide one.i guess blog is a current trend as well it is easy acess. in any manner,if u r hardwoking thn u may browse it even if it is a such old post.....it all depends if u one it.no hard feeling, yet this is wht i feel.thanks

  2. Me myself Says:

    hv anyone create the yahoo group for our class as suggested by profs?

  3. •My Yahoo! ID and Yahoo! Mail address: uhf6033@yahoo.com
    •Password: 987654321
    •Birthday: 21 July 1983
    •1. Security Question: first prof name
    •My Answer: bakar
    •2. Security Question: second prof name
    •My Answer: mail
    •Postcode: 81310

    Group name:uhfgroup
    Group home page: http://asia.groups.yahoo.com/group/uhfgroup
    Group email: uhfgroup@yahoogroups.com

    there is the yahoo email & yahoo group.
    everyone can access it..
    please forward.

  4. indrea berry Says:

    xixie means thank u!hehe

  5. eh??? it's mandarin?? spell like that??
    i thought spell syer..syer...hehehe